Thursday, July 21, 2016

Free Training the Podcast is coming

Hello fellow tradesman  this has been a busy summer and we are getting very close to launching our new podcast. again those of you that do not know what a podcast is it is like a radio show but on the internet. we have just launched a new website at which will have all the details. Also make sure you send us your topics for discussion also and we can include in upcoming episodes. The launch for our new show will be available to listen online or download on Friday August 5th.  we will do a new show every week. These will include topics such as how to grow in your career, How to increase you worth and your pay to your company, How to start your own business (not as easy as you may think but if you have the drive can be rewarding) dispel some myths and learn some truths about working the daily grind, and many other topics for the working class. stay tuned and in the mean time drop us a line at and like us on Facebook at . Help us get the word out. Free Training we like free right. Take care and remember to Stay Safe and Keep Surging Forward