Tuesday, September 27, 2016

When Will Virginia be on the 2017 Electrical Code?

I have been getting a lot of questions lately regarding as to when Virginia will adopt the 2014 electrical code. The concern I here from other electricians is that the 2017 electrical code will be out soon and many are not even sure as to what code we are on. States adopt the code in various ways depending on the State you live in.Virginia is based on the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code or USBC. The USBC is broken down into 3 parts and became effective as of July 14 2014 they are as follows:

2012 Virginia Construction Code USBC Part 1
2012 Virginia Rehabilitation Code USBC Part 2
2012 Virginia Maintenance Code USBC Part 3
2012 Errata to the Virginia Building and Fire Regulations
You may click on the links above if you would like to download a copy

You will find the code adoption in the section in the 2012 Virginia Construction code 101.2 Incorporation by reference Note 1: The IBC references other International Codes and standards including the following major codes:
2012 International Plumbing Code (IPC)
2012 International Mechanical Code (IMC)
2011 NFPA 70
2012 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC)
2012 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
2012 International Residential Code (IRC)

So as you can see, we are currently still on the 2011 electrical code
You can go to the state website and review the process as you will see it is quite long.
Click here 2015 code cycle 
So when we be on the 2014 electrical code ? I am not sure I have heard that it could be as early as July of 2017, but based on the schedule, I read on the site it may not be until July 2018.
So that is in short how you as a Virginia electrician can stay up to date. In today's world we have access to so much information and training that with a few clicks you can usually find the information you need. Speaking of training, I plan on making some short code courses ( 15 to 20 mins long) that will help you learn the code by understanding how to use the code not just memorize questions and articles. Understanding how to use it will make the code one of the most valuable tools in your tool belt. (Well of course you can't carry it on you any more, since it has become quite large these days) The whole purpose of the code is safety for all the non electricians that think it is just magic. So when install for others remember that is what we do keep others safe. If you would may be interested in this let me know by leaving a comment below. Also feel free to pass this post along by sharing in your facebook, electrical group or even email. Don't forget to subscribe to our surging forward podcast on ITUNES or STITCHER. For those that don]t know what that is you can go to our website at www.surgingforwardpodcast.com
Until next Time Stay Safe and Keep Surging Forward

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Bragging is not the best way

Hello fellow Tradesman out there.
Over the years I have heard so many people brag about all the things they have done. It is one thing to share about a great accomplishment, but it is quite another to make up stories to make you sound more important. What does that do to ones integrity?
Listen to our new podcast episode on bragging your way to the to. Go to Surging Forward Podcast on Itunes or go to Surgingforwardpodcast.com to download and listen. I want also offer my thanks to you all for reading. You can help me a lot by sharing on facebook or email to others who might enjoy. Please feel free to pass this post along and don't forget to like us on facebook. Until next tim
Stay Safe and Keep Surging Forward

Friday, September 9, 2016

Giving Your Word

How important is it to keep your word? Trust is something that seems to have gone by the way side. Seems everyone is looking for an angle. Lying in today's workplace has become the norm in order to get ahead. Don't fall into this trap. Your word is the most powerful attribute you have. If you cannont keep your word it is sometimes best to say no. Your integrity will keep your fellow workers, and/or clients if you have a business watching your back instead of worrying about  whats next. Also do keep company with those that do not have integrity the fal can come very quickly.
Listen to our new podcast episode on giving your word. Go to Surging Forward Podcast on Itunes or go to Surgingforwardpodcast.com to download and listen. Always be willing to help others. Please feel free to pass this post along and don't forget to like us on facebook.
Stay Safe and Keep Surging Forward